Monday, April 13, 2009

This week's introduction.

So we've entered the Easter Season, and I believe it fitting and appropriate to spend each day this week writing on a different Sacrament. Seven days, seven Sacraments, should work out well if I can keep on track. I find it fitting since this is period is a major time for the Sacraments. Baptism, Communion and Confirmation at Easter Vigil, and for the kids of my parish, they'll be having First Communion soon as well. Confession before Easter for everyone who is receiving. I can't speak of any ordinations, unfortunately, but my brother's one year anniversary of marriage has just past, and my own wedding presses upon my mind. And for myself, this past weekend was my first confession and reception of the Eucharist in something like half a year.

Seeing as this is an apologetics blog, I will begin with one of the most hotly debated apologetics subjects among the Sacraments, and end with the most hotly debated. I will begin with the Sacrament of Penance, and end with the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In between, I'll tackle the others as the dual masters of whim and inspiration dictate. I am not entirely sure what form these essays will take, other than explanatory. Some will assuredly be more mystical than others, and some longer than others. And some more fully and elaborately written. I make no claim to impartial bias, I am sure Confession and the Eucharist will probably be the longest and best.

And I'll admit also that the one on Confession, at least, is already complete. I wrote just such an essay some time ago for apologetics purposes, and I shall post it presently.

To a beautiful first week of the Easter Season, a deepening in all our hearts of the hidden Joy of Christ, and the growth in depth of our live for God and each other, I dedicate this week's writing.

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