Monday, March 23, 2009

The Trap of Heaven and Hell

I have noticed a disturbing trend in many Christians recently. I suspect that they are caught in a trap that a great many Christians in modern America are caught in. It is that of looking at their religion simply as a grand scheme of punishment and reward and acting accordingly. If they're bad they go to Hell, if they're good they go to Heaven. This results in a religious system of belief that focuses far too much on the duality of Heaven and Hell, resulting in over-emphasis on these two things. This is observable in any street corner preacher working himself or herself into a lather condemning everyone they see to Hell. This is also observable in things like the idea of "getting saved" where people are told all they have to do is "accept Christ into their hearts" and they will be saved once and for all. Thus they condemn sinners to Hell, and rest assured that they've guaranteed themselves entrance into Heaven.

Of course, this neglects a rather large amount of Christian theology. Most especially it forgets utterly the very reason historically that Christianity appealed to so many people, or more correctly, it perverts that reason. I'll try to avoid going into it at length, at least in this first posting, but can it truly be the Grace of God that called to so many people in the Roman Empire while Christians were being turned into human candles, that is now being expressed as, "unless you're 'saved' you're Hell fodder!"? This dichotomous view of Christian, or even theistic theology, is worthless, because instead of properly understanding fear to be something to keep us from arrogance, they have instead become arrogant, and use fear to try and force others into the same arrogance. When someone doesn't fear as they do, they think that person is 1) damned, and 2) a horrible sinner who will go around doing evil because they're not ridiculously afraid all the time. The bitter irony of course is that too many people who fall under this style of thinking become so arrogant that they are unable to practice what they preach, and are of course sinners and also are just as, if not more, likely to commit crimes, or do things that might be considered morally questionable (like divorce), than those who do not fall into this thought category.

If I had to sum up the flaws with this kind of "Christian" or "theistic" thinking, I would say it is an improper understanding and perversion of God's Grace. That Grace is probably best expressed in these three words, Faith, Hope and Agape. Their philosophical stance fails in terms of Faith because their Faith is nothing more than a statement made during an emotional high, and is something they often fail to live. Their stance fails in terms of Hope because theirs is a message of fear, their reasons for converting were because of fear, their reasons for staying are ultimately out of fear, their means and motivation in proselytizing are fear, and ultimately this fear expresses itself in despair as people "backslide" and are considered to have never been "saved," in the first place, and as people spend all their time feeling pitiful and sad about those they haven't "saved" (as if REAL salvation and REAL Faith were something they could cause in another person!). And finally they fail in terms of Agape love perhaps the most of all. For the very nature of their system rejects love. Not just in the frothy mouthed zealot pronouncing damnation at the street corner; not just in the rejection of those who were "never saved in the first place," or "aren't saved yet;" not just in the lack of love shown in their ignorance of all others; but finally, and most of all, in their lack of that love which is of self-sacrifice.

The Heaven-Hell dichotomy they subscribe to is utterly selfish in its orientation. Afraid of Hell and desiring Heaven, they do what they do to avoid the punishment and get the reward. Where is the true Love of God, and Love of Neighbor that Christians are called to? How many of these people do you honestly suspect would die for you at the drop of a hat? How many would die for their God? Jesus Christ says that no greater love exists than this, that one would lay down his life for the sake of another. How many of these Christians are willing to do that?

The REAL reason Christians are called to do good is not out of Fear of punishment, or even Hope of reward, but out of Love for God and God's Creation, our brothers and sisters. St. Paul tells us that we can have all the faith, all the mighty works, and mystical gifts in the world and they will be nothing if we do not have Love. It frustrates me greatly to see so many Christians who do not understand this, who don't understand the absolutely radiant joy of this love, who are utterly focused on getting themselves to Heaven at whatever the cost, or harp on others about how they'll go to Hell if they don't accept Christ. That was NEVER the reason people in the past accepted Christ. Romans converted to Christianity because Christians were obsessed with Love of God and each other. They were so in Love they were HAPPY to be made into human candles for God, something no Roman would ever have done for Jupiter or Vulcan. Peter was so in Love with Christ that he even asked the Romans to crucify him upside down because he did not feel worthy of dying in the same way as Christ. It is this religion based on Grace that I follow and I pray that I will have that same courage and that I can show that same Love as my spiritual ancestors did. To desire anything less would be to fail my Brother, and the very thought wrenches at me.



I'm the Unread Apologist. Contrary to what you might think, this doesn't mean that no one reads what I write (as an unhappy few could tell you). What it means is that I'm an apologist who is startlingly uninformed and not particularly well read or versed in apologetics material. Whether it be magesterial documents, books of theology and philosophy, or news articles and current events, be prepared for my apparent ignorance.

I chose the name since my status has become a bit of an inside joke among my fellow apologists. Even I wonder how I became arrogant enough to pursue this vocation while I yet remain unread. Apparently I'm a bit crazy. Be that as it may, this is where you'll find my writings on all subjects apologetics related!

Welcome, and enjoy!